Makima Blog


Spoiler Warning: Chainsaw Man is an ongoing series and is awaiting an anime adaptation soon. This blog will contain manga spoilers, so read at your own risk.

Additionally, due to the nature of Chainsaw Man, some of the scans in this blog will be NSFW. Viewer discretion is advised.


“I wish to use the Chainsaw Man in order to create the better world. Consider… death, war, hunger. There are many things in this world that would increase happiness upon removal. And I will remove them all using Chainsaw Man’s Power.”

Like all of the Devils in the Chainsaw Man manga, Makima was born out of people's fear of a certain thing, in this case the fear of control. Raised by the Japanese government, Makima wanted nothing more than to form connections with others, having the desire to have a family. Through both her nature as the Control Devil, and the methodology of the government, Makima came to only be able to express her desire by causing fear, believing humanity at large to be below her like dogs. 

She later became an important figure in Japanese security, more specifically one of the team leaders of Section 4 in the Public Safety Devil Hunters organization. Eventually, she would witness the legendary “Chainsaw Devil”, having devoured devils who embodied fears such as WWII, AIDS, and nuclear weapons, effectively erasing them from history. Inspired, Makima joined together with the “Four Horseman”, and pursued the Chainsaw Devil, believing he was the key to wiping out the world’s problems permanently, while also viewing him as the only one she could truly see as equal. In preparation for the inevitable return of her “hero”, Makima would gather Fiends who worshiped Chainsaw Devil, forcibly indoctrinate Devils like Angel, and even make a contract with the prime minister of Japan to ensure any harm that came to her would be redirected to the populace of the country instead.

On one of her missions to exterminate Devils, she found a newly transformed and uncontrolled Denji, who she brought to a new life as her personal pet. In doing this, Makima noticed that she had once and for all found the bearer of Pochita, aka the Chainsaw Devil. She would give him a better life, with a good home, food, a job, and a new family he never had, only to eventually take it all away in one fell swoop as all those he loved were killed thanks to her machinations. Completely broken, Denji’s mind receded as Pochita was reborn on Earth.

Having weakened Pochita by setting up Chainsaw Man to be a hero of the masses and lose the power he once held by fear, Makima would confront Denji in a final fight to the death, believing him to be an imitation of the real Chainsaw Man who didn’t deserve to be in control. In a moment of hubris, Makima had let her guard down. Denji, who she thought dead, was alive and ready to defeat her. Makima’s inability to bond with mankind had left her with a habit of identifying people through smell, a weakness Denji had exploited by using a copy of Pochita to fight her. Mortally wounded by the remnants of the Blood Fiend Power’s blood, Denji overcame her immortality with its only weakness: legitimate love. Still in love with Makima despite her vile torture, Denji became one with her by literally devouring her.

Makima would be reborn as a young girl named Nayuta, and would be sent to be raised by Denji. Unlike her prior life, Nayuta would be given nurture and care, and was finally free from the shackles of Control.




Devil Hunter Suit


Special suits that Public Safely Devil Hunters wear. Aside from letting her look extremely classy, they’re also stated to be extremely sturdy to allow for extra protection. Nomo’s suit, for example, allowed him to survive a point blank explosion that destroyed a building.


Makima sometimes uses a sword in combat. It is sharp enough to cut through Quanxi and two Fiends' necks with no difficulty.



Devil Physiology

Devils in Chainsaw Man are the embodiment of fear of certain concepts, defined by their name, through the collective unconsciousness of mankind. The more the namesake of a Devil becomes feared, the more powerful they become. They can also lose power should they become unfeared. In Makima’s case, she’s the representation of control. She has superhuman strength, speed, and durability. All Devils share the following general traits:

Enhanced Senses

Being a Devil grants Makima senses that are outright absurd. She can see Pochita’s actions while he is in space, and she is on Earth. She can see the Gun Devil in perfect detail from 500 kilometers away, and listen in on Reze and Denji's conversation in the middle of a thunderstorm. Kishibe noted that Makima could hear his conversation despite being kilometers away from his current location. She can sniff out the difference between a human and Devil, and identifies all humans via smell. She also was able to hear Denji’s contract with Pochita, despite it being within Denji’s mind. She can further extend her sight and hearing via controlling animals around the planet. She can even converse with the Spider Devil when the latter was in Hell, a separate dimension, while Makima herself was on Earth.

She can also retain information of events that have been literally erased from history by the Chainsaw Devil, such as World War III, AIDS, etc, even though no one else on the planet recalls these events ever occurring.

Control Devil Powers

As the Control Devil, Makima can control any lifeform she sees as inferior to herself. This extends to humans, Devils, Hybrids, and even animals like rats and birds. Makima’s usual method is to order individuals to make a contract with her, forever locking them into servitude. Makima can erase the memories of those she commands, and even rewrite their personalities entirely to serve her “willingly”. She can summon anyone she contracted with to herself, even if they are currently deceased, and use their abilities for herself. She can use these abilities in tandem with one another, and can even use controlled animals to hear and see in different places in the world. Some examples of her usage of Control are:

Her control can be fought off to a degree via raw willpower, but she has quickly undone this by issuing another command.

Controlled Minions

Makima over the years has gathered a large quantity of controlled minions from humans to Fiends to even other devils. They will be listed here alongside their abilities, alongside examples of Makima using said powers. The only minion confirmed to have been freed from contract is Power, via Pochita’s blood.

Devil Hunters / Mold Devil and Stone Devil

Makima has taken most Devil Hunters under her contract and drags them with the chains, which includes some decently powerful devils.

Yutaro Kurose and Michiko Tendo / Punishment Devil


Yutaro and Michiko contracted with Makima, allowing her to use the Punishment Devil, a combat-oriented devil with multiple weapons.

Aki Hayakawa / Fox Devil, Future Devil, and Curse Devil

Being one of Makima’s most loyal servants, Aki Hayakawa has contracted with around three devils across the story, the Fox Devil, the Future Devil and the Curse Devil. Aki also wields a sword made by the Angel Devil, which can even cut through ghosts and intangible beings.

Akane Sawatari / Snake Devil

Makima has contracted with Akane, allowing her to use the Snake Devil.

Spider Devil


The Spider Devil is one of Makima’s most loyal minions, the Devil that embodies fears towards spiders.

Angel Devil

A Devil that can steal life force and convert it into weapons. After having controlled him in the past, erasing the memories of a previous life, Angel contracted with Makima and was under her rule until the very end.

Zombie Devil

Having been defeated by Denji very early on, Makima took control of it. The Zombie Devil embodies the fear of Zombies.

Mantis Devil

A Devil which embodies the fear of mantises, controlled by two Public Safety Devil Hunters that contracted with Makima.

Shark Fiend/Devil

Beam, or the Shark Fiend, was contracted by Makima in order to stay at Chainsaw Man’s side.

Violence Fiend

Galgali is one of Makima’s most loyal followers. Embodying Violence, it is one of the best hand-to-hand fighters in the series.

Weapon Hybrids

A tactical team made by Makima from Hybrids, with the intent to use them to defeat the Chainsaw Devil. Makima has brainwashed all seven of them and rewritten their personalities to be smitten with her. Hybrids function differently from Devils and Fiends, as they survive even as severed heads and flesh pieces, so long as the Devil they are bonded with is intact. Even a small amount of blood is enough to regenerate a Hybrid's entire body if consumed. The Hybrids Makima has collected all represent weapons, such as crossbows and bombs.

Reze / Bomb Hybrid

An assassin sent by the USSR to kill Denji and claim Pochita’s heart, she was defeated by Denji after a massive battle. She opened up to Denji, but was killed by Makima before anything else could occur. She was later revived by Makima and brainwashed into serving her.

Reze is the Bomb Hybrid, with the ability to turn any part of her body into bombs and make explosions after pulling the pin on her choker. She can toss her head as a bomb, use explosions to propel herself through the air for pseudo-flight, and wreck entire buildings with her blasts. Beyond the healing of Hybrids from blood consumption, Reze has very potent regenerative abilities gifted by her transformed state. By transforming, she can regrow a severed head, and limbs. She also carries a knife in her human form for assassinations.

Quanxi / Crossbow Hybrid

The first Devil Hunter of Modern Japan and China, Quanxi is one of the best fighters in the entire series. Just in her human state, she can overpower and outskill trained martial artists like Kishibe and Yoshida, and move fast enough to cross dozens of meters before several Devil hunters could react, even cutting off their heads without them realizing it. She usually has at least three swords on her at all times.

In her Hybrid form, she can launch several arrows at once, each strong enough to blow the Darkness-enhanced Doll Devil to pieces, and critically injure Denji. She can easily clear entire crowds, and her speed is enhanced. Her durability increases to the point she can block attacks from Denji that chopped the Flamethrower Hybrid in half.

Quanxi was eventually killed by Makima, who revived and rewrote her personality to serve her. Quanxi can even regenerate from being a severed head if given blood, or if the arrow in her eye is removed.

Katana Man / Katana Hybrid


The grandson of a Yakuza boss who just so happens to be a Devil Hybrid. As per usual, he possesses the usual Hybrid physiology, only having katanas for his arms and head, and can transform/be revived by pulling off his hand. He’s strong and fast enough to contend with both the Ghost Devil (which normally is intangible) and Denji. Carries a handgun on him as well.

Flamethrower Hybrid

A man controlled by Makima that can become the Flamethrower Hybird or be revived by clicking one his top teeth. He uses his flamethrower arms to generate large volleys of flames to burn his enemies. His flames can consume parts of buildings and entire crowds of people

Spear Hybrid

A man controlled by Makima. He can generate spears capable of piercing Denji and even Pochita, despite being weaker physically than both. Transformed/revived via pulling a spear out of his spinal colon.  

Longsword Hybrid

A young man controlled by Makima. He uses the blades on his arm and heads for slashing attacks. Can be transformed/revived by pulling off his hand similar to Katana Man.  

Whip Hybrid

A woman controlled by Makima. She can attack using whips on her arms, and is quite agile. Is able to transform/revive by snapping her fingers 

Gun Devil

The Gun Devil is the embodiment of humanity's fear of guns. The original version appeared 13 years prior to the story taking place, and killed over a million people across the globe in five minutes. It disappeared, seemingly having been defeated. In reality, the Gun Devil broke apart into pieces, with different nations collecting portions of it. The president of the United States would send a 20% version to fight Makima, who defeated it.

Makima should have access to the portions owned by Japan, and was implied to be the reason Aki became the Gun Fiend, having been sent to fight Denji.

Abilities pertaining to the 20% version Makima would have control over:

The Gun Devil is even strong enough to kill Makima with a headshot, though she revived herself.

Gun Fiend

When Makima defeated the Gun Devil, portions of it entered the Body of Aki Hayakawa, turning him into the Gun Fiend. Seemingly sent by Makima to fight Denji, Aki battled his best friend while envisioning it as a snowball fight. He was eventually killed by Denji, and finally freed from the deeds of Makima. The Gun Fiend is strong enough to level entire streets with its bullets, and is durable enough to block attacks from Denji’s blades.

Possible Contracts

Oddly, Makima is shown to have collected Devils that should have died and reincarnated, such as the Zombie Devil. It's implied she was behind the multiple Devils attacking Denji throughout the course of the story, minus Santa Claus and the Darkness Devil. This should include the Eternity Devil, who was specifically after the Chainsaw Devil, and potentially Quanxi’s Fiends considering Makima killed them alongside Quanxi and later resurrected her. While Fiends generally die if killed (Aki as the Gun Fiend for example), Makima has shown the ability to even control deceased humans, Fiends, and Devils. Makima has not been shown to objectively have them at hand, therefore they are listed only as “possibly”.

Quanxi’s Fiends

Quanxi’s Fiends are a group consisting of four Fiends who are Quanxi’s lovers and serve her.


Pingtsi can determine what Devils a person is contracted to, the Devil’s abilities, and even the condition of a body just by looking at them. She also has knowledge on Hell and the primal Devils that inhabit it.


Long can breathe flames, block bullets with her arms, and is strong enough to beat Denji in his human state in a fight.


Tsugihagi’s abilities are unknown at this time, though she is the fiend most devoted to restoring Quanxi should she fall in battle.


One of Quanxi’s Fiends; being the fiend of the cosmos. Despite how she acts on the outside, with a simple utterance of the word: 'Halloween' she can bring people inside her own mental space and force them to understand everything in the universe, essentially turning them into vegetables that are unable to think about anything aside from Halloween. This ability was powerful enough to affect Santa Claus, who had enough dolls to transfer damage to all over the world, so that a single attack would be like “trying to dry the ocean with a single drop of blood”.

Eternity Devil


The Devil that embodies that concept of eternity, and what better way to represent that with a giant lump of flesh, and an ever-looping pocket dimension (being his stomach) that’s cut off from the outside, in which time is completely frozen! Essentially creating a localized time loop. The only way to escape would be the destruction of its heart, but it doesn’t help that its heart is on the outside and it has the ability to increase its size over time from fear, to the point where it’s able to ​​change the direction of gravity. Denji was able to escape by exploiting the Devil's distaste for pain, torturing it for ​​around three days until it begged for ​​euthanasia.

Hell Devil

The Devil that embodies the fear of Hell. It can be contracted to send Humans or Devils to Hell, via manifesting a giant hand that rips into reality, transporting the target there. It can even fully manifest if given enough sacrifices by the contractor. Should it be killed, blood consumption will revive it. Hell is full of the strongest Devils, like the primordial Darkness Devil, and normally cannot be escaped without a Hell Devil contract. While Makima has not shown to have contracted the Hell Devil, Devil Hunters in the Public Safety Division have, and Makima can simply sacrifice them to contract it.

Animal Transformation

Country mice or town mice? Well it doesn’t matter, since Makima can not only control both of those, but also turn herself into a pack of rats to sneak up on those unsuspecting.  

Damage Transfer / Immortality Contract

After contracting with the prime minister of Japan, Makima gained an ability to send any attack and damage to a random citizen from Japan in the form of sickness. It’s efficient to the point that she's able to fist-fight Denji even while being torn apart at the same time. She can also directly send any physical damage she has taken to anyone contracted with her. Since Chainsaw Man takes place in 1997, in order to fully kill Makima, one must kill her over 121 million times, as that was the population of Japan at that time. She can also use this play dead, putting her opponents in a false sense of security, and then attacking when they least expect it.

Biological Manipulation

Makima is able to manipulate human biology in numerous ways; from making someone's insides bleed with a simple stare, to being able to create a halo out of her own brain tissue (gross). She can use this halo to transport weapons to herself, or even Devils to far distances. This might be an extension of Control, as she can also manipulate dead bodies.


Makima is able to tower above those who she believes to be below her, both literally and figuratively with her ability to float.

Bang: Concussive Force / Telekinesis

By using her own force of Control, she can shoot people with her fingers or kill them with a look. This can manifest as either direct concussive force, or a strange grasp akin to telekinesis. Bang is strong enough to harm both the Darkness Devil and Chainsaw Devil, both which surpass Makima’s own physical power. Bang can cross hundreds of kilometers, as it is shown manifesting in space.

Death Ritual

Once arriving at a location of high altitude, Makima can perform a ritual. In order for it to proceed, she utilizes the name of her target and a human sacrifice whose eyes have been blindfolded to say the name of the designated person. Once the prerequisites have been fulfilled, the sacrifice dies and the target is subsequently crushed, leaving only their bloody remains behind.




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  • One of the strongest Devils in part due to humanity’s fear of control 

  • Pushed the president of the United States to release the Gun Devil against her

  • Most countries in the world surrendered to her

  • Became a high-ranking member of the Public Safety Devil Hunters

  • Faced down the Darkness Devil and walked away alive

  • Kept fighting Denji even after being killed 27 times

  • Broke Denji’s resolve and resurrected the Chainsaw Devil

  • Nearly captured Pochita

  • Survived multiple assassination attempts, directly or avoided

  • Defeated Reze, Quanxi, Power, Gun Devil and Pochita

  • Has an insane alcohol tolerance 






“All I gotta do is…. Become one with you…. Bon Appetit!”


Despite her immense set of abilities and incredibly good regeneration, Makima met her end by hands of Denji due to a highly elaborate plan. Taking advantage of the scent of her beloved Chainsaw Devil in battle, Denji realized he had never been any significant to her, catching her off guard with this trick due to not sensing his real smell, damaging her, cutting to pieces and devouring her. In other words, Makima can be tricked with smell, as she mainly identifies targets via scent. Her contract can be bypassed by attacking with her with zero killing intent, as in Denji’s mind, his attack on her was an act of pure love to become one with her. Her regeneration can be slowed down by a constant attack on her body, as Denji lets Power’s blood run wild inside of Makima, wrecking her insides for minutes on end. This may have been due to Denji being the one enacting the attack, thus the loophole.


It is also unknown if her contract would be able to restore her body if completely destroyed. At most it's shown restoring her after she was chopped into small pieces. Her immortality does not protect her from spiritual attacks. Her precognition can only see a few seconds ahead, so it's not really perfect. It also requires the Future Devil to be within her, so if it's killed, her precognition will be lost. Due to her immortality, Makima also has a habit of allowing attacks to hit her regardless of any consequences since she’ll recover from them anyway, so oftentimes she won’t be concerned about getting hit repeatedly with fatal wounds.


Further Questions and Context

MHS+ Makima

Keeping this short, Makima being above hypersonic has a bit of controversy to it due to Denji being able to keep with her, alongside being tagged by Gun Devil’s bullet. Both are dealt with rather easily: She did not fight Denji, she fought Pochita taking Denji’s form. While weaker than his Devil form, this Pochita was still notably above Denji’s usual output, as he was able to beat 7 Hybrids before expiring including Quanxi, whereas Denji consistently has trouble with just 1. 

As for the Gun Devil, Makima was still shown to have perceived the bullet as it came to her and activated her ability. Makima is notorious for allowing attacks to hit her, as she has no reason to dodge given her immortality. She then proceeded to defeat the Gun Devil.

Makima’ bang blasts come out to a bit over Mach 100, so that works as supporting evidence. Lastly, she kept up in arm movement with the Darkness Devil, who is stated to be above any Gun Devil (20%, 100%, etc).

Typhoon Devil’s Storm

Makima’s 10 kiloton strength value comes from the rain storm made by the Typhoon Devil. Storm calcs can be contentious, so to quickly explain why the production of the storm is being scaled to Typhoon’s physicality here is a breakdown. The power of a Devil both pertains to what they represent and how much it is feared. Feared directly correlates to how physically strong, fast, and durable a Devil is, as shown with Makima weakening the Chainsaw Devil by making it less feared. Devils use their power to make force/energy/constructs, such as the Bat Devil’s screech attacks that level buildings. In this case the Typhoon Devil is outputting power to make a storm that by its physiology, has to correlate to its physicality. Denji killed it, and Makima is relative to weakened Pochita who is stronger than Denji.

Is Bang supposed to be Telekinesis?

No. 99% of the time, Bang is depicted as a concussive force, leaving craters in walls, ramming into Pochita to send him into space, or blowing a hole in Makima’s own hand like an invisible bullet. 

Thanks to eXo, Giotto, JS, Dek, and Phantom


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