Gojo vs Makima updates (Since G1 blog)

 The purpose of this mini blog to catalogue changes for Gojo and Makima's stats and arguments since the G1 Blog and q/a.

Both Verses:

To expand on the original blog, the power systems of both verses are basically 1 to 1. Both verses work off fear, which empowers Devils and Curses.

Curses are noted to also be born from fears of certain things, such as the smallpox curse being born from the fear of disease. Mahito explains that Jogo and the other Special Grade Curses are born of fear of natural disasters. Curses being born from fear and being empowered by it is further affirmed in the JJK light novel. Likewise, Devils in Chainsaw Man are the embodiment of fear of certain concepts, defined by their name, through the collective unconsciousness of mankind. The more the namesake of a Devil becomes feared, the more powerful they become.

Devil Contracts and Binding Vows are very close in function and in consequences. Bindings are the pledges and restrictions that you make with yourself and others. The punishment for breaking one is severe, possibly even death. They are self-imposed restrictions by which a person can sacrifice one thing in order to gain something else, similar to the law of equivalent exchange. Devils can form contracts with humans, giving a part of their power to them. The contract must be followed, lest the one who breaks it die.

Overall, the systems for both are practically one to one.



1. Yuta's explosion in JJK 0 (film version)

Yuta's Pure Love Explosion (Credit to Z1):


Feat 1:27:11


Average Track Lane Width 1.22m

Lane Width 4px/1.22m

Street Width 33px/10.065m

Street Width 4px/10.065m

Explosion Diameter 141px/354m


Method 1:

177^3((27136*1.37895+8649)^(1/2)/13568-93/13568)^2)= 445.66 Tons of TNT (Multi City Block Level)

Method 2:

Hole Length 56px/140.1m

Hole Width 39px/98.133m

(Lane Width is still 4px/1.22m)

Hole Thickness 171px/52.155m




Pulverization (214.35j/cc):


1.5369957e+14joules or 36.735 Kilotons of TNT (Town Level)

This is consistent with the following calc for Granite Blast, which Yuta interacted with:

Granite Blast (Credit to Z1)

Ok so Okkotsu doesn't have a confirmed height but he's at least >5'8 so we'll use 1.727m as reference for his height.


The crater is much longer than we believe on account of the starting point of it is much farther than what the panel shows so this will be our radius.

Okkotsu 133px/1.727m

Crater width under him 236px/3.064m

Crater height 47px/0.61m


Crater width up ahead 7px/3.064m

Panel Height 412px




Crater length:380.6m

Half Cylinder Volume:



Pulver of Concrete/Asphalt(40j/cc):


22,228,280,701joules or 5.3 Tons of TNT (Large Building Level)

Vapor of Concrete/Asphalt (5,304j/cc):


2.94747e+12joules or 704.4 Tons of TNT (Multi City Block Level)

As shown in the G1 Blog, Gojo is stronger than Yuta, so he scales.

2. Gojo powering a Nation

So, the premise here is Gojo alone could power a country. Cyrus Veil, the Undersecretary for the US Office of Energy and Environment, establishes that Gojo can power an entire nation by himself after being shown footage of cursed energy by Kenjaku. Cyrus is aware of how cursed energy functions and that it replenishes overtime. He also notes how even person could cover what they consume in a lifetime (energy wasted):

"Self-sustaining" is a key word, as it would imply reserves over time replenishing, because it means the energy is in a state of equilibrium and can be maintained without running out. Checking the raw Japanese for the chapter gives us:
Specifically means "self-sufficiency", which would imply he's factoring in how they replenish. If he wasn't, then it wouldn't be self-sufficient, because it would run out. Because they're replenishing and can regain cursed energy, it's a self-sufficient system where more is produced than taken, which would imply an overtime value. He's talking about sorcerers in general here but if he's factoring it in for them, he's probably factoring it in for Gojo too. What we need to do is take the amount of time it would take for Gojo to fully recover his energy reserves and use that for the wattage (as Cursed Energy has been compared to electricity before).

We can use Mahito as a metric for to gauge the absolute minimum value for Gojo (this is a super lowball, given Gojo himself barely wastes energy at all for any technique). Mahito notes 10 days would be enough time to replenish the cursed energy he would waste from using a Domain Expansion (notably the original Japanese doesn't imply it's more than what's needed, if anything the specific number of days would probably imply that's the exact amount). Domain expansion uses up a massive amount of curse energy, to the point you have to wait normally some days to be able to recast it. It also affects the quality of your techniques and even your physicality as you're not being able to distribute the previous amount of curse energy would use to reinforce your physicals.

Now for the actual calculation:

下手したら彼一人で一国の電力を賄えます. "一国 "is specifically "whole country". Here Cyrus is contextually referring to USA, as that's the country he wants to move the Sorcerers to (A end for Japan will also be incused below just for reference). 10 days for the calc, as that's the minimum for the amount he could fuel before he has to replenish. 

United States
The highest level of total U.S. annual electricity end-use occurred in 2018 at about 4 trillion kWh
4 trillion kWh = 1.44e19 joules in a total year
((1.44e19)/365)*10 = 3.945 × 10^17 joules = 94 megatons of TNT (City Level)

9.437 × 10^11 kWh = 3.397×10^18 joules
((3.397×10^18)/365) *10 = 9.307 × 10^16 joules across 10 days = 22.2 megatons of TNT (City Level)

3. Planetary Black Hole from Yuki Tsukumo 

In chapter 208, Yuki overloads her density threshold with her mass increase ability, creating a legitimate blackhole in the process:

While Yuki is unaffected by Star Rage's alterations in mass, this only holds true up until a certain density. The caster can increase their virtual mass past this threshold to titanic amounts, transforming their body into a black hole. To use this skill means suicide for the caster, however, as their body's mass is condensed into a tiny volume. The black hole is stated to be able to destroy the planet (in all versions of the chapter, including the raw), and the only reason it did not do so is because Tengen's barrier and Yuki's willpower restricted it. Kenjaku survived using an anti-gravity Domain Expansion.

Even the small blackhole that remained after being restricted can still be calced to being Planet Level.

As for scaling characters to this feat, Kenjaku cannot be scaled as he used the weakness of the Black Hole to survive. While Gojo is stated to be the strongest sorcerer, Yuki's black hole is exclusive to her density threshold being exceeded as a suicide attack. The best method of scaling at this time to is to Scale characters like Gojo above the normal output of Yuki's Star Rage, which can destroy parts of Tengen's barriers (as these barriers prevented the black hole from destroying the planet). In essence the argument is to say Yuki's normal AP can downscale from her suicide attack. This has issues, as the black hole is only as strong as it because she exceeds her regular density limit (which her normal Ap does not), and the blackhole was stopped by both her willpower and the barrier (the barrier was also completely destroyed in the process).

As for narrative consistency it is stated several times Gojo could casually kill everyone in Japan and Geto implies he could even kill every non-sorcerer on the planet (refer to Gojo's feat section in the G1 blog). Sukuna also has a statement that at full power he could destroy the world on the back of manga volumes (can be seen as hyperbolic). Currently scaling is up in the air and requires more context/feats to be shown in the story.

4. Hakari reacting fast enough to eject electricity from his skull

In chapter 188, Hakari reacts just in time to eject electricity sent into his skull from Kashimo. Hakari is reacting in the distance between his forehead and his brain which would be like 5 centimeters.

The speed of Kashimo's electricity should be at minimum Mach 1.6 (per this test), and potentially faster, as it is also noted to be lightning and matches several of its characteristics (Which on average can reach Mach 280-285). Below will be two values, one for each.

Reacting to average lightning or Mach 1.6 from 5CM:

Hakari's brain can react in either 0.0000911078secs or 5.10204082e-7secs to 1.13636364e-7secs.
Even moving 1 meter with either of these would be above the Mach 3 narrative cap from Naoya, though it's debatable if this scales to anyone besides an amped Hakari and Kashimo. Hakari is noted to become faster as he uses his Domain, and Kashimo is from the past.

5. Mach 3 Naoya

As previously mentioned in the original blog, Naoya introduced a narrative cap of Mach 3 for most characters in JJK. As of recently, he became a Curse and blitzed Maki after reaching a top speed of Mach 3. To keep tings brief (as the blog already explored several issues with this, chapter 196 and 197 reveal Maki was not at full focus/full power when she was blitzed. She trains to "feel the world around her", which then allows not only to sense Naoya better, but outright dodge his Mach 3 charge near point blank.

6. Jogo's high end:
High end for Jogo's volcano calc in the g1 blog, debatable if it can apply.



1. Kinetic Energy of Gun Devil

Fujimoto in an interview said the full Gun Devil has feet, legs, and flesh. Kinetic Energy should be okay to apply, since it has to propel itself somehow.

The premise is that the Gun Devil's hypersonic speeds can be applied to its kinetic energy, as its speed creates visible shockwaves both in movement and when stopping, and its movement is stated to tear off chunks of its body when fully complete. Calc for mass and KE:

20% Gun Devil

Red: 24.38 meters = 239 px
Yellow: 304 px = 31.0 meters
Green: 132 px = 13.4 meters
Blue: 608 px = 62.0 meters
Pink: 59 px = 6.0 meters
Orange: 29 px = 3.0 meters
Purple: 520 px = 53.0 meters
White: 283 px = 28.9 meters
Length of extended M4 carbine: 838 mm = 83.8 cm = 0.838 meters (roughly same length as an M4A1)
Volume of M4A1 Carbine: 1775.74 cm^3 = 0.00177574 m^3 (source of 3D model used:

Mass of M4A1: 3.51 kg
Density: 1980 kg/m^3

Volume of arm (modelling as cylinder, which is an overestimate but should be balanced out by the additional guns present on each arm which it isn't accounting for) = 1753 m^3
Mass = 1753 * 1980 ~= 3470000 kg
Mass for both arms = 6940000 kg
Head resembles a hammer-less M1911
M1911 length: 8.56 inches = 0.217 meters
M1911 mass: 1.1 kg
Mass of head: 1.1 * (28.9/0.217)^3 ~= 2600000 kg

Volume of body (modelling as cylinder) = 4372 m^3
Appears to be mostly comprised of human heads, so density of human body: ~1010 kg/m^3
Mass of body = 4372 * 1010 = 4415720 kg

Mass of gun on the back, modelling it as being a M4A1 = 3.51 * (53/0.838)^3 ~= 888000 kg
Appear to be five in total, so total mass = 4440000 kg

Counting, there are about 60 bullets on each belt, with six belts total, resembling 7.62x51 NATO cartridge belts
One 7.62x51 NATO cartridge + One belt link ~= 25.4 grams + 4.2 grams = 29.6 grams per bullet = 0.0296 kg
Overall length of bullet = 7.11 cm = 0.0711 meters
Mass of sized up bullet = 0.0296 * (3/0.0711)^3 ~= 2220 kg
Overall mass of belts = 2220 * 60 * 6 = 799200 kg

Approximate total mass of Gun Devil = 799200 + 4440000 + 4415720 + 2600000 + 6940000 = 19194920 kg

Using speed of Mach 421.878 (143561.033333 m/s, the calc for that number is in the Gojo vs Makima g1 prediction blog)
Kinetic Energy:  1.97801445983191114e17 joules = 47.3 megatons of TNT (City Level)

100% Gun Devil

The following calc is a lowball, as it does not take into account the extra mass the complete Gun Devil would have.

Using Mach 635 for 100 percent Gun Devil with the mass from the prior calc gets
107 megatons of TNT (Mountain/Small Island Level)

Makima scales to this via her Bang technique, as it can harm the Darkness Devil, who is stronger than any Gun Devil. It can also harm Pochita, who is the Devil that all other Devils fear most.

2. More Support on Speed Scaling 

As mentioned in the G1 blog, Makima reacts to the bullets, and she also scales to the Gun Devil's physical speed via matching the movement of the Darkness Devil, which is beyond all versions of the Gun Devil. It's also noted that how much a devil is feared affects their stats, as shown with Pochita being weakened when Humanity stops fearing it. Considering this, it makes sense the primordial fear of darkness would be faster than the Gun Devil. Lastly, as a supporting feat, Makima is able to perceive Pochita in motion as he is being accelerated into space by her own bang technique, as she is able to further tag him as he moves upwards.

3. Makima's control abilities being supposedly mistranslated.

Makima's explanation for how her powers work has been recently questioned on the validity of its translation. The way it's phrased in Japanese is a little ambiguous but leans towards it being that she controls people she considers lesser. If you look up 私は自分より程度が低いと思う者を支配で きる力があります you can find posts talking about it in Japanese: "I can dominate those I consider lesser in degree than myself.".

Here's a Japanese blog post analyzing the manga that references this scene and cleanly describes it as being based on those she considers lesser.

The official translation is the most accurate:

4. Pochita eating the Nuke, Mount Hio and Star Devil

In chapter 84, Makima reveals that Pochita had previously beaten and eaten multiple devils, thus erasing their concept from history. Some people like to argue this means Pochita is mountain or even star level. The issue is that while Devils do embody what their name is, they don't do so 1 to1 with the highest value of said thing. The Typhoon Devil's shown storms are far below the most potent typhoons, for example Typhoon Haiyan is like roughly a gigaton in total energy released.

If we assume Typhoon Devil's storm covered all of Tokyo:
2194.07 km^2
320m thickness, 1 g/m^3, 2465.087 j/g for condensation
Energy: 2194.07 * (1000^2) * 320 * 2465.087 = 1.7307435e15 joules, 413.657 kilotons (large town level)

Second Issue is we simply have no data on the quantifiable Devils he killed (since some cannot be quantified, causes of death, nazis, etc.). We do not know what year he beat the Nuke Devil (which would affect its power, as the strongest nuke was tested in 1961 in real life. It's also noted the Nuke Devil may have been a direct piece of the War Devil that Pochita managed to eat after coming back stronger from every time he was beaten. Mount Hio is a fictional volcano we nothing about or how much it was feared. The Star devil is the worst, as eating it did not erase the stars in the sky, only the light that was driving children mad. Until we know more about how these Devils function, their level of actual power, and how the fights occurred, Pochita cannot be scaled 1 to 1 with these concepts.

5.The limits of Makima's resurrection/regeneration

Something noted since the original blog, Denji has to even eat Makima's hair and blood to ensure she dies, which implies she could come back from something as small as a hair or a drop of blood (you can see both blood and hair above). While timeframe for return from this is currently unknown, we do know Makima can do selective attack reflection, at least with minions she directly controls.

Fun fact, did you know the author of Jujutsu Kaisen hates Gojo?


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